I ... entered the poem of life, whose purpose is ... simply to witness the beauties of the world, to discover the many forms that love can take. (Barabara Blackman in 'Glass After Glass')

These poems are works in progress and may be updated without notice. Nevertheless copyright applies to all writings here and all photos (which are either my own or used with permission). Thank you for your comments. I read and appreciate them all, and reply here to specific points that seem to need it — or as I have the leisure. Otherwise I reciprocate by reading and commenting on your blog posts as much as possible.

24 June 2016

Sightings of Crows

Three crows at the side of the road
and a fourth swooping across.
What does this denote?

Put on your witch hat, woman!
Gather your cloak
deftly around your shoulders.
Magic is afoot.


  1. I love when magic is afoot. Cast me a spell, and sprinkle it well with moonbeams!

    1. That sounds like the start of a new Sherry poem!

  2. I came back to visit the crows because I just love this poem so much!!!!!!!

  3. Indeed we could use a bit of magic these challenging days.

  4. Ha ha... need some of that crow magic right about now!!

  5. I think it's a murder.. We do need magic.

  6. Brudberg beat me to it with the "murder" reference. The ones I have had in the garden have always been friendly with me but that probably says more about me than them!

  7. I love the force of energy in gathering your hat and cloak - murder or a window for change? and i agree 'Cast me a spell, and sprinkle it well with moonbeams' - is poetry too!

  8. It's a message....It's a warning !

  9. I love this :D such a powerful write.

  10. Yes agree with Sanaa - this is a powerful bite of a write ...

  11. Oh crow magic sounds like fun! Loved this Rosemary!

  12. Great expectations! One is for the baby, two is for marriage, and three is for death...I also wonder what is four for? Perhaps it is reminding us to look in all four sacred directions...magic is afoot.

  13. Sometimes the mystery can be just as much fun as the solution.

  14. I just love it when you cast your poetic spells, my witchy woman! ♥

  15. Your poem is enchanting. After spending so much of my youthful reading phase reading 'fairy tales' today again I swoon 💝

    Much love...

  16. Ha, today I saw 7 crows flying in a row and my first thought was "What's Up"

  17. A wonderful, whimsical chuckle - delivered with a pithy eloquence that is a total TREAT!

  18. I can't wait...for the magic and the merriment it brings <:-)

  19. Love the wonder and anticipation in this :-)

  20. Magic hidden deep in the wings of a crow. Love it,


  21. definitely they are plotting something...

  22. Mmmm. Witch or not, I'd get ready at this sign. I love how you gave a sense of speed in this poem as well as words of speed.

  23. I love the crows on my bike rides! Beautiful and funny birds that are magical to me.


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