I ... entered the poem of life, whose purpose is ... simply to witness the beauties of the world, to discover the many forms that love can take. (Barabara Blackman in 'Glass After Glass')

These poems are works in progress and may be updated without notice. Nevertheless copyright applies to all writings here and all photos (which are either my own or used with permission). Thank you for your comments. I read and appreciate them all, and reply here to specific points that seem to need it — or as I have the leisure. Otherwise I reciprocate by reading and commenting on your blog posts as much as possible.

2 January 2018

A Manifesto for the New Year

I have not got the music
but I have the words.
I have not got the dance steps
but I have the words.
I have not got the numbers
but I have the words.
I have not got the science
but I have the words.
I do not have the lovers (any more)
but I (still) have the words.

I call out loudly with the words.
I throw my arms up and my head back,
shouting the words triumphantly.
I whisper softly with the words,
bending close to your secret ear
and breathing them, 
exhaling so lightly you can hardly feel –
but listen hard and you'll hear.
Sometimes I shout them in rage. And outrage. 
Sometimes, I wish to whisper venom.

The words are mine
to do with as I will.
(God said so, 
who gave them to me at my birth.)
I can make them sing, 
I can make them dance.
I can make them count.
I can make them explain – if you will follow –
the secrets of the Universe.
I can make them bring back my lovers.

Yesterday is breaking up, falling away.
Yesterday is getting thrown out with the garbage.
But the old words live on,
unable to be entirely discarded.
Words have power. I call up the power
from deep inside. I call up the words
from where they too are anchored within.
I set them free. I let them loose.
Now I make them new, like seedlings, like cubs.
They will play. They will grow. They will climb all over you.

At 'imaginary garden with real toads', Bjorn invited us to write a manifesto for 2018. I am not much for such things ... but then I watched Patti Smith on YouTube (who does have the music and the dance as well as the words) and – in the mysterious way it happens – suddenly became inspired.

Also sharing this at Poets United's Poetry Pantry #386


  1. Oh my goodness... I do wish I could set this to music - but it dances all on its own - it IS its own music ...as are you dear one.Happy, Healthy, Peaceful, New Year filled with Love, Hope and Kindness.

    1. Thank you, dear Pearl, for the smile on my face now. And I send you the same wish back.

  2. Inspired, indeed. I honour the strength and power of your words, my friend. This is a most wonderful manifesto. Write on!

  3. "You have the words," says your poet. And he ought to know, he's lived with all your life also at birth with those words. What you do with them is your choice, I think from what I have read, you are doing well with them. All the love words, well, I must imagine a little more here.
    Rosemary, this was a very enjoyable read. Thank you.

  4. Beautiful and strong manifesto. Such power in your words!

  5. What a strong manifesto you have written..words are a powerful tool

  6. You've not only got the words in this poem, Rosemary, but you've also got a damn good rhythm! I love the lines:
    'I throw my arms up and my head back,
    shouting the words triumphantly.
    I whisper softly with the words,
    bending close to your secret ear
    and breathing them'.

  7. Your poem made me really glad and proud that I have words to play with myself Rosemary.

  8. And words are all we need sometimes, to survive, to push on. This made my day.. rather.. made my 2018! Cheers! :)

  9. This is incredibly beautiful, Rosemary!💞 Especially love; " Words have power. I call up the power from deep inside. I call up the words from where they too are anchored within. I set them free. I let them loose."💞

  10. Words are wild magic. Rock on you magic woman!

  11. you have the pen, you have the words, you have time to set them down and the creative force within - you have magic spellings ;)

  12. oh wow! i am reading this with a clenched fist.:)
    march on!

  13. This is absolutely wonderful, there is so much power in words. Let our words arise and give us a voice with various tones. (clapping)

  14. Armed with words, you will do glorious battle in this world!

  15. This is amazing... love that the inspiration came... the year is still long, and yes we need your words... we need our words to sing in unison.

  16. A powerful reminder for us all to appreciate the gift of words!

  17. I chanted the first stanza aloud, just so you know. And yes, my dear friend, you totally have the words!

  18. This just sings! You have the words and the music! Loved the rhythm of this!

  19. Your words are a delight, or maybe whatever you want them to be. xoxoxo

  20. Love your words of words and the power they can give and bring. An excellent manifesto Rosemary.
    Anna :o]

  21. What an intriguing prompt - and you have written to it brilliantly, articulating he power of words eloquently and impactfully. You cannot read this aloud and not feel inspiration stirring. I loved your 'Manifesto for the New Year' so much, that I'm thinking of writing one of my own.

  22. With those Words and all that dynamic energy. Wishes for a very very Creative 2018. Looking forward to reading you often this year


  23. Sometimes words are all we have. Use them wisely. Use them often. But, above all, use them. Thank you.

  24. You capture and inspire with your words. A manifesto, yes, but also an open invitation. What every really good song and dance should be and become.



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