Closed –
my favourite track to the beach.
I lift the string, step beneath it,
take the risk.
Hard to believe … a cliff
where the ramp used to be.
Hurled logs and whole trees
lie splayed like bodies.
Far out, voluminous grey waves
in rich turmoil boil to white,
attack a shore
that can't escape.
Victory. The water surges
higher than it's ever been,
to the abrupt end of the track,
excitedly bashing the debris.
I've walked this beach in calm winter
gathering unlimited shells;
in spring and summer
skipped and played like a child.
Now: deep, cold fury
roars and hisses as I retreat.
Tonight I won't challenge
this menacing sea.
Tonight I won't challenge
this menacing sea.
Linked to Poets United's Poetry Pantry #295