It is the end of the day
again, and I find myself
reluctant again to lie down
in a bed where I stretch out
with so much room — so empty
of you. Though as to that,
full, too, of remembered you.
Sooner or later I must finish
the dishes, the day's writing,
the interactions on facebook.
As I do every night, over
and over again, I must
leave the day behind, go on
to the next day, all of them
taking me further from you.
It will never be finished,
this grief, only dealt with
day by day for always,
all the days. I walk the days
like steps on a path
at the end of which I'll arrive
at last, at that which is endless.
Poetic Asides April Poem A Day Challenge 2013, 30: A finished poem and/or a never finished poem. This, of course, is both in one.
Submitted for dverse OpenLinkNight #94
Submitted for dverse OpenLinkNight #94